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  2. Shimada K, Shimazu A, Bakker AB, Demerouti E, Kawakami N. Work-family Spillover among Japanese Dual-earner Couples: A Large Community-based Study. J Occup Health 2010;52:335-343
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  10. Shibaoka M, Takada M, Watanabe M, Kojima R, Kakinuma M, Tanaka K, Kawakami N. Development and validity of the Japanese version of the organizational justice scale. Ind Health. 2010;48(1):66-73.
  11. Shikata K, Haneda M, Koya D, Suzuki Y, Tomino Y, Yamada K, Maeda S, Kawakami N, Uzu T, Nishimura M, Sato C, Ogawa D, Makino H; DNETT-Japan Study Group. Diabetic Nephropathy Remission and Regression Team Trial in Japan (DNETT-Japan) : Rationale and study design. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2010 Feb;87(2):228-32.
  12. Koyama A, Miyake Y, Kawakami N, Tsuchiya M, Tachimori H, Takeshima T; World Mental Health Japan Survey Group, 2002-2006. Lifetime prevalence, psychiatric comorbidity and demographic correlates of “hikikomori” in a community population in Japan. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Mar 30;176(1):69-74.
  13. Ogawa M, Miyamoto Y, Kawakami N. Factors associated with glycemic control and diabetes self-care among outpatients with schizophrenia and type 2 diabetes. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing. (in press)
  14. Tsuno K, Kawakami N, Inoue A, Abe K. Measuring Workplace Bullying: Reliability and Validity of the Japanese Version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire. J Occup Health. 2010;52(4):216-226.
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  17. Shimazu, A., Schaufeli, W. B., & Taris, T. W. (2010). How does workaholism affect worker well-being and performance? The mediating role of coping. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 17, 154-160.
  18. Inoue A, Kawakami N, Tsuchiya M, Sakurai K, Hashimoto H. Association of occupation, employment contract, and company size with mental health in a national representative sample of employees in Japan. Journal of Occupational Health 2010; 52: 227-240.
  19. Chiba R, Kawakami N, Miyamoto Y, Andresen R. Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Self-Identified Stage of Recovery for people with long term mental illness. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2010; 19(3):195-202.
  20. Inoue A, Kawakami N, The Japan Work Stress and Health Cohort Study Group. Interpersonal conflict and depression among Japanese workers with high or low socioeconomic status: findings from the Japan Work Stress and Health Cohort Study. Social Science & Medicine 2010; 71: 173-180.
  21. Inoue A, Kawakami N, Haratani T, Kobayashi F, Ishizaki M, Hayashi T, Fujita O, Aizawa Y, Miyazaki S, Hiro H, Masumoto T, Hashimoto S, Araki S. Job stressors and long-term sick leave due to depressive disorders among Japanese male employees: findings from the Japan Work Stress and Health Cohort Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2010; 64: 229-235.
  22. Sakurai K, Kawakami N, Yamaoka K, Ishikawa H, Hashimoto H. The impact of subjective and objective social status on psychological distress among men and women in Japan. Soc Sci Med. 2010 Feb 12. [Epub ahead of print]
  23. Kubota K, Shimazu A, Kawakami N, Takahashi M, Nakata A, Schaufeli, W. B. Association between Workaholism and Sleep Problems among Hospital Nurses.Ind Health. 2010;48(6):864-71.
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  26. Chiba R, Miyamoto Y, Kawakami N. Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS) for people with chronic mental illness: scale development. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2010; 47(3): 314-322.
  27. Shimazu, A., Bakker, A. B., Demerouti, E., & Peeters, M. C. W. (2010).
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  28. Inoue A, Kawakami N, Ishizaki M, Shimazu A, Tsuchiya M, Tabata M, Akiyama M, Kitazume A, Kuroda M. Organizational justice, psychological distress, and work engagement in Japanese workers. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 2010; 83: 29-38.


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