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  14. 箱田琢磨、竹島正、大島巌: 精神科病院の退院促進に関連する地域における要因の分析. 精神医学. 2007; 49(8): 813-819.
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  23. Tsutsumi A, Kayaba K, Ojima T, Ishikawa S, Kawakami N, Jichi Medical School Cohort Study Group. Low control at work and the
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  24. Yorifuji T, Tsuda T, Kawakami N. Age standardized cancer mortality ratios
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  25. Tsutsumi A, Umehara K, Ono H, Kawakami N. Types of psychosocial job demands and adverse events due to dental mismanagement:
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  26. Shimazu A, De Jonge J, & Irimajiri H: Lagged effects of active coping within
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