

  1. Chiba R, Umeda M, Goto K, Miyamoto Y, Yamaguchi S. Factors related to recovery knowledge and attitudes among professionals in mental health in Japan. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 2019;e12295. DOI: 10.1111/jjns.12295.
  2. Nakanishi M, Miyamoto Y, Nakashima T, Shindo Y, & Nishida A. Care preferences of healthy, middle‐aged adults in Japan and the USA if they acquired dementia: A cross‐sectional observational study. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 2019; 19(8), 829-833. DOI: 10.1111/ggi.13729.
  3. Hidaka Y, Imamura K, Sekiya Y, Watanabe K and Kawakami N. Effects of a transdiagnostic preventive intervention on anxiety and depression among workers in Japan: a pre- and post-test study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine [in press]
  4. Okazaki E, Nishi D, Susukida R, Inoue A, Shimazu A, Tsutsumi A. Association between working hours, work engagement and work productivity in employees: a cross-sectional study of the Japanese Study of Health, Occupation, and Psychosocial Factors Relates Equity. Journal of Occupational Health 61(2):182-188, 2019
  5. Yoshikawa E, Nishi D, Kashimura M, Matsuoka JY. Role of resilience for the association between trait hostility and depressive symptoms in Japanese company workers. Current Psychology 2019 DOI: 10.1007/s12144-019-0166-y.
  6. Shalev AY, Gevonden M, Ratanatharatom A, Laska E, van der Mei WF, Lowe S, Lai BS, Bryant RA, Delahanty D, Matsuoka YJ, Olff M, Schnyder U, Seedat S, deRoon-Cassini TA, Kessler RC, Koenen KC, International Consortium to Prevent PTSD. Estimating the risk of PTSD in recent trauma survivors: results of the International Consortium to Predict PTSD (ICPP). World Psychiatry 18(1):77-87, 2019
  7. Barbano AC, van der Mei WF, deRoon-Cassini TA, Grauer E, Lowe SR, Matsuoka YJ, O’Donnell M, Olff M, Qi W, Ratanatharathorn A, Schnyder U, Seedat S, Kessler RC, Koenen KC, Shalev AY, On behalf of the International Consortium to Prevent PTSD. Differentiating PTSD from anxiety and depression: Lessons from the ICD-11 PTSD diagnostic criteria. Depression and Anxiety 36(6): 490-498, 2019
  8. Nishi D, Su KP, Usuda K, Chang PC, Hamazaki K, Ishima T, Sano Y, Ito H, Isaka K, Tachibana Y, Tanigaki S, Suzuki T, Hashimoto K, Matsuoka YJ. Plasma estradiol levels and antidepressant effects of omega 3 fatty acids in pregnant women. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity 2019 (Epub ahead of print)
  9. Levis B, McMillan D, Sun Y, He C, Rice DB, Krishnan A, Wu Y, Azar M, Sanchez TA, Chiovitti MJ, Bhandari PM, Neupane D, Saadat N, Riehm KE, Imran M, Boruff JT, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, Patten SB, Shrier I, Ziegelstein RC, Comeau L, Mitchell ND, Tonelli M, Vigod SN, Aceti F, Alvarado R, Alvarado-Esquivel C, Bakare MO, Barnes J, Beck CT, Bindt C, Boyce PM, Bunevicius A, Couto TC, Chaudron LH, Correa H, de Figueiredo FP, Eapen V, Fernandes M, Figueiredo BFC, Fisher JRW, Garcia-Esteve L, Giardinelli L, Helle N, Howard LM, Khalifa DS, Kusminskas L, Kohlhoff J, Kozinszky Z, Lelli L, Leonardou AA, Lewis BA, Maes M, Meuti V, Naki? Rado? S, Navarro Garcia P, Nishi D, Robertson-Blackmore E, Rochat TJ, Rowe HJ, Siu BWM, Skalkidou A, Stein A, Stewart RC, Su KP, Sundstrom-Poromaa I, Tadinac M, Tandon SD, Tendais I, Thiagayson P, Toreki A, Torres-Gimenez A, Tran TD, Trevillion K, Turner K, Vega-Dienstmaier JM, Wynter K, Yonkers KA, Benedetti A, Thombs BD. Comparison of major depression diagnostic classification probability using the SCID, CIDI and MINI diagnostic interviews among women in pregnancy or postpartum: An individual participant data meta-analysis. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2019 (Epub ahead of print)
  10. Nishi D, Imamura K, Watanabe K, Ishikawa H, Tachimori H, Takeshima T, Kawakami N. Psychological distress with and without a history of depression: Results from the World Mental Health Japan 2nd Survey (WMHJ2). Journal of Affective Disorders 2019 (Epub ahead of print)
  11. Nishi D, Ishikawa H, Kawakami N. Prevalence of mental disorders and mental health service use in Japan. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 73(8):458-465, 2019
  12. M Fukasawa, N Kawakami, M Umeda, T Akiyama, N Horikoshi, S Yasumura, H Yabe, Y Suzuki, and EJ. Bromet. Longitudinal associations of radiation risk perceptions and mental health among non-evacuee residents of Fukushima prefecture seven years after the nuclear power plant disaster. SSM-Population Health (in press)
  13. Yasuma N, Narita Z, Sasaki N. et al. Psychological intervention for universal prevention of antenatal and postnatal depression among pregnant women: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev 8, 297 (2019) DOI: 10.1186/s13643-019-1238-7.
  14. Yasuma N, Watanabe K, Iida M, Nishi D, Kawakami N (2019) Personal values in adolescence and psychological distress in adults: A cross-sectional study based on a retrospective recall. PLOS ONE 14(11): e0225454. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0225454.
  15. Fukasawa M, Kawakami N, Nakayama C, and Yasumura S. Relationship between use of media and radiation anxiety among the residents of Fukushima 5.5 years after the nuclear power plant accident. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness [in press]
  16. Kuribayashi K, Imamura K, Watanabe K, Miyamoto Y, Takano A, Sawada U, Sasaki N, Suga M, Sugino A, Hidaka Y, Iida M, Sudo M, Tokita M, Kawakami N. Effects of an internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) intervention on improving depressive symptoms and work-related outcomes among nurses in Japan: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry. 2019 Aug 7;19(1):245. DOI: 10.1186/s12888-019-2221-5.
  17. Imamura K, Tsutsumi A, Asai Y, Arima H, Ando E, Inoue A, Inoue R, Iwanaga M, Eguchi H, Otsuka Y, Kobayashi Y, Sakuraya A, Sasaki N, Tsuno K, Hino A, Watanabe K, Shimazu A, Kawakami N. Association between psychosocial factors at work and health outcomes after retirement: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Open. 2019 Aug 27;9(8):e030773. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-030773.
  18. Watanabe K, Imamura K, Inoue A, Otsuka Y, Shimazu A, Eguchi H, Adachi H, Sakuraya A, Kobayashi Y, Arima H, Kawakami N. Measuring eudemonic well-being at work: a validation study for the 24-item The University of Tokyo Occupational Mental Health well-being scale among Japanese workers. Ind Health. 2019. DOI: 10.2486/indhealth.2019-0074.
  19. [Epub ahead of print]

  20. Yasuma, N., Watanabe, K., Matsunaga, A., Nishi, D., & Kawakami, N. (2019). Personal values in adolescence and suicidality: a cross-sectional study based on a retrospective recall. BMC Psychiatry, 19(1), 214. DOI: 10.1186/s12888-019-2194-4.
  21. Komase Y, Watanabe K, Imamura K, Kawakami N. Effects of a newly developed gratitude intervention program on work engagement among Japanese workers: a pre- and post-test study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. (in press)
  22. Morita Y, Miyamoto Y, Takano A, Kawakami N, Coulombe S. Reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Mental Health Self-management Questionnaire among people with mental illness living in the community. BMC Psychology. 2019 22;7(1):30. DOI: 10.1186/s40359-019-0301-4.
  23. 杉野敦, 佐瀬満雄, 宮本有紀. 精神科病棟における隔離・身体拘束を減らす取り組みの定着プロセス. 精神科看護. 2019. 46(7): 62-69.
  24. Imamura K, Tran TTT, Nguyen HT, Kuribayashi K, Sakuraya A, Nguyen AQ, Bui TM, Nguyen QT, Nguyen KT, Nguyen GTH, Tran XTN, Truong TQ, Zhang MWB, Minas H, Sekiya Y, Sasaki N, Tsutsumi A, Kawakami N. Effects of two types of smartphone-based stress management programmes on depressive and anxiety symptoms among hospital nurses in Vietnam: a protocol for three-arm randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2019 Apr 8;9(4):e025138. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025138.
  25. Yasuma N, Watanabe K, Nishi D, Ishikawa H, Tachimori H, Takeshima T, et al. Urbanization and Internet addiction in a nationally representative sample of adult community residents in Japan: A cross-sectional, multilevel study. Psychiatry research. 2019;273:699-705. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2019.01.094.
  26. Miki T, Eguchi M, Kuwahara K, Kochi T, Akter S, Kashino I, Hu H, Kurotani K, Kabe I, Kawakami N, Nanri A, Mizoue T. Breakfast consumption and the risk of depressive symptoms: the Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study. Psychiatry Research. 2019 (in press)


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  2. 杉浦寛奈. インタビューデータ分析の質向上のためのNVivo活用術. 看護研究. 医学書院. Vol.52. No.5. 2019
  3. Sugiura K, Mohammed F, Saxena S, Patel V. A rights-based approach to decision making in mental health care. Bulletin of the World Health Organization (printing)
  4. 西大輔. 総合病院精神科におけるトラウマティック・ストレス. 総合病院精神医学 31: 138-146, 2019
  5. 西大輔. 妊婦のうつ症状に対するオメガ3系脂肪酸の有効性. 臨床精神薬理 22: 1053-1058, 2019
  6. 西大輔. 適応障害. 公認心理師カリキュラム準拠 精神疾患とその治療. 三村將・幸田るみ子・成本迅編、pp153-162、医歯薬出版、東京、2019(分担執筆)
  7. 西大輔. こころの健康. 医学のあゆみ「健康日本21(第二次)の中間評価とこれからの課題」 271(10):1058-1061, 2019
  8. 宮本有紀, 小川亮. コ・プロダクション(共同創造)は英国の精神保健医療福祉施策にどのように位置づけられているか. 精神保健福祉ジャーナル 響き合う街で. 2019(87):11-16.1.
  9. 宮本有紀. ピアサポートをめぐる海外の状況. In 岩崎香編. 障害ピアサポート 多様な障害領域の歴史と今後の展望. 中央法規出版. 2019. 17-28.
  10. 宮本有紀. 当事者活動とピアサポート. In: 上島国利, 渡辺雅幸, 榊惠子編. ナースの精神医学. 改訂5版. 東京: 中外医学社; 2019. p. 257-259.
  11. 宮本有紀. 集団の健康をとらえるための手法――疫学・保健統計. In: 公衆衛生. 系統看護学講座 専門基礎分野 健康支援と社会保障制度[2] 14 ed. 東京: 医学書院; 2019. p. 92-116.
  12. 宮本有紀. 地域における公衆衛生の実践 E.精神保健. In: 公衆衛生. 系統看護学講座 専門基礎分野 健康支援と社会保障制度[2] 14 ed. 東京: 医学書院; 2019. p. 266-283.
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